The following list is the first part of top 30 women who have started web businesses and made maximum impact. In a male dominated startup and technology world, these women put together the resources needed to take a domain name and create a business out of it. Visit their businesses to find out what exactly they are up to. Share this with your friends and colleagues and especially your female friends who are looking for the inspiration to start a dotcom business and be the best at it.
Yael Elish, Co-Founder and CEO of esnips- eSnips is a large social content sharing site that gives its members 5GB each of storage space to upload whatever they want.
Veerle Pieters, Founder, CEO and Graphic Designer of Duoh!-Web development services including design, DHTML layout creation, PHP scripting, database support, Flash.
Tiffany Bass Bukow, Founder and CEO of Web site for women to learn about women’s unique financial needs, financial planning, personal finance, investing, retirement etc.
Susan Wu, Founder and CEO of Ohai – Online gaming platform
Stephany Alexander , Founder and CEO of WomanSaversWomanSavers – Dating Experts show you how to catch cheating men and screen your date free in the largest database rating men’s relationship history to date.
Simone van Trojen, Founder of LaDress- Find the perfect dress for any occasion. LaDress offers dresses in beautiful fabrics, timeless designs and high quality materials.
Simone Brummelhuis ,Founder and CEO of The NextWomen– The Next Women is the first Women’s Internet Business Magazine and Community, with a focus on startups and growing businesses, led, founded or invested in by women.
Shaa Wasmund, Founder and CEO of is a business support and advice network for start-ups, small business owners and entrepreneurs.
Sandy Kemsley , Founder of Column 2 – BPM, Enterprise 2.0 and technology trends in business.
Sally Robinson, Founder and Owner of Ample Bosom– Designer lingerie and bras for women with a fuller figure to order on-line.
Rebecca Blood, Founder of rebecca’s pocket- Writing about news, gothica, and web design resources.
Rachel Elnaugh, Founder of Red Letter Days- Discover unique gifts, gift experiences, activity days and gift ideas to solve all present buying dilemmas or buy experience days gift vouchers.
Nelly Yusupova , Founder of DigitalWoman- DigitalWoman is a web technology specialist, consultant and strategist, and motivating and inspiring speaker. She is the CTO of Webgrrls.
Julie Pankhurst , Co-Founder of Friends Reunite– Find ,reunite, contact old friends from school, work, college, university, neighbours, armed forces, expats.
Janet Hanson, Founder and CEO of 85 Broads – 85 Broads is an exclusive global women’s network with members who live, work, and study in 82 countries around the world.
Iris Ben-David, CEO and Founder of Style Shake – StyleShake empower millions of women to design freely, or personalize our top designs. Dresses are sewn to perfection in just 10 days!
Photo courtesy of iStockphoto, nicole waring
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