These days, all we hear about is online marketing. The world is very much a digital place, and most of us tend to spend a lot more time online compared to interacting in real life. So it’s only fair that you think you need to be completely online. However, when your startup is a small local business, you’re missing a few tricks when you focus on the online space alone.
Why? Well, because you are local. And you want to be tapping into the local market. Yes, you need to have a website and you can technical target them online. But if you are looking to get in front of people that will want to visit your store locally, then marketing to them in the physical world will really help you to do this. So let’s take a look at a few methods that should become your bread and butter.
Word of mouth
The very first thing that you’re going to want to utilize to your advantage is word of mouth communication and recommendations. As a local business, this should be your gold dust. Whenever you have a customer or visitor to your store, go above and beyond from them. Really show off that your business can do and what you offer. When your consumers are blown away by your product or service and your customer service, they’ll tell their friends. And this can be something incredibly powerful for your small local business.
Direct mail
From here, you’re then going to want to think about direct mail. This is something that you need to really utilize in your local area. Create some imagery, find printing services, and get yourself some physical marketing material together. Send leaflets to other local businesses, get leaflets into local media, and really try to shout about what you do.
Local advertising
Next, you are going to want to utilize any local advertising that you can. When you have a specific area that you’re targeting, advertising in local magazines and newspapers could be perfect for you. Make sure that you test out different publications, ad sizes, and designs. Then go back in with repeat ads for the publications that are performing best for you.
Directory listings
If you have any local directories for your area, then you’ll want to be listed in them. As a huge part of your offline marketing strategy, this could be the best option for you – particularly if you offer something quite niche. And if there are local competitors of your advertising in these places, then you need to be advertising in them too.
Local radio
And, of course, there’s always radio. If you know that a lot of locals listen to a certain radio station, then think about getting an ad or asking to go on and be interviewed, or anything that you can do to get mentioned. When you know that locals in your area do certain things or consume certain media, if you can get on it, then you know that you’ll be advertising to the right audience.