Losing data will cost you both time and money. In the long run, a list of compromised data will also cost you employment. Before things get out of control, do everything you can to protect this information at all costs.
1. Cloud
Cloud services are on the rise, and one of the main contributors to the popularity of companies like Impact ICT. With a cloud backup, your data is stored offsite from your current physical location. That protects it from any physical harm or hardware failure. Cloud backups can be used on their own or with physical backups. If something happens to your physical copy of the data, an untouched cloud copy can bring you back up to speed. Cloud backups are configurable, meaning you can have different revisions of the same file.
2. Antivirus
Viruses and trojans can corrupt data. This affects physical drives and the data on the cloud. So, even with a good backup system, you’ll still be at the mercy of the actual data that’s uploaded. Once an infected file interacts with your system, it is game over for all of the data on the drive. Keeping your system free of viruses will protect any and all data that you want to keep safe.
3. Extra Backup
It’s not unheard of to have drives and clouds that mirror the same data. There are some companies with up to 10 backups ready to restore a system to a default working state. Overkill doesn’t exist when it comes to keeping data safe, so invest in multiple backup solutions. Just like insurance, you don’t realize how valuable it is until you actually need it. Multiple cheap backup options are still better than no backup options at all.
4. Trained Employees
Despite the advances in backup technology, the biggest security flaw are still humans. When you go through the trouble of securing data, that same effort should go into training. Employees have to be up to date on security, system use and overall company policy. Even if you do everything right, it only takes one untrained employee to compromise an entire network. Since your business relies on competency, make it a point to keep the employees educated about protecting the company’s data.
5. Updates
Updates can be annoying for any company that doesn’t want downtime. Without these updates, there are huge security flaws in your system that are ripe for manipulation. Schedule updates in the off hours so that it doesn’t affect business. If you have systems to spare, you can also rotate the ones on standby while doing updates during normal business hours. No data will be lost, and you’ll always be protected against the latest threats that pop up.
Protect Data at All Costs
You don’t need military level encryption to take care of your most prized assets. A little common sense and foresight goes a long way in making sure everything is in order. With everyone on board with the plan, your data will always be safe.