- What is the problem you solve?
- Do you help save cost, save cycle time, save material, improve quality, reduce non-value-add people time?
- Who is the buyer who makes the final decision? What are they responsible for ? How are they measured?
- What pain, problem, or need does the buyer have? What problem do you solve?
- What are basic features that you must have to participate in the market
- What features would provide further differentiation but are not worth slipping the release for.
- These are roadmap features that are clearly “below the line” for the current release but can be communicated to customers as part of a roadmap or statement of direction.
- What magazines and trade journals do your prospect rely on to learn about offerings like yours?
- What websites, blogs, and on-line groups do prospects routinely visit, read, or take part in?
- What open source projects are related to your offering, they may be a source of ideas and early feedback?
- Are you eliminating or reducing and existing cost stream?
- What are you specifically obsoleting or replacing?
Complete list @ Intenthub