Coffee Machine Cleaning Archives - Maid2Match House Cleaning Service Tue, 23 Jul 2024 03:11:24 +0000 en-AU hourly 1 Coffee Machine Cleaning Archives - Maid2Match 32 32 How To Clean A Drip Coffee Maker Wed, 11 May 2022 01:33:15 +0000 Let’s face it. If you’re anything like us, you can’t start your day without a fresh cup of coffee. Whether it’s to wake up properly or to feel like we can take on the world, coffee is essential. While there are many types of coffee makers to choose from, the simplest and most reliable one […]

The post How To Clean A Drip Coffee Maker appeared first on Maid2Match.

Let’s face it. If you’re anything like us, you can’t start your day without a fresh cup of coffee. Whether it’s to wake up properly or to feel like we can take on the world, coffee is essential.

While there are many types of coffee makers to choose from, the simplest and most reliable one is the drip coffee maker.



How Does A Drip Coffee Maker Work?

A drip coffee maker is a popular kitchen appliance that uses a simple yet ingenious mechanism to brew fresh, flavourful coffee. It typically comes with its own coffee pot or set of cups. 

At the heart of its brewing process is a dripper, consisting of a series of narrow openings at the bottom of the filter basket. As water is heated in the machine’s brew basket, it flows down into the dripper and into the gaps. Pores at the bottom of the dripper allow some of the water to seep through, while others are blocked by hot ground coffee grounds.

As this process continues, a steady stream of hot water is released over the ground coffee and passes through into the glass coffee pot below. This system allows for complete control over brewing time and temperature, resulting in rich, aromatic coffee with every brew.

Your brewing cycle depends on your choice of coffee grounds and the number of cups you’ll need. Typically, you use 2 tablespoons of ground coffee for 1 cup. If you want a full pot, just multiply the above formula by 4 – 8 spoons of ground coffee.



How Often Should I Clean A Drip Coffee Maker?

Coffee maker pot filling close up

Just like with a French press – ideally, you should clean your drip coffee maker after each use. That means at least washing the filter basket and the coffee pot and ensuring that the water tank is clean and clear.

The reason is that you want to have a fresh, clean cup of coffee every morning. Also, leaving used coffee grounds in the filter basket makes it easy for mould to proliferate. Yikes!



How To Clean A Drip Coffee Maker

So, let’s get to it. Below we have 5 simple steps for how to deep clean a coffee maker. All you need to do before you start is to gather the following supplies:

  • White vinegar and water solution – equal parts white vinegar and water
  • Microfibre dish towel
  • Clean water

In case you haven’t done it already, dump your used coffee grounds into the sink. Or, if you’re growing some plants, toss the used grounds in the garden to enrich the soil.

Ready to clean your coffee machine? Here we go.



1. Unplug the coffee maker and remove the water reservoir

unplugged drip coffee machine

Your first step to clean your coffee maker is to take it apart. Be sure to unplug the coffee machine, so you won’t get zapped in the process.

The drip coffee maker is made up of the following removable parts:

  • Brew basket (this holds your filter basket and it’s also where water passes through to do the brewing process)
  • Filter basket (this is where you put the coffee grounds or beans)
  • Water reservoir or water chamber
  • Coffee pot or carafe

While there are coffee makers with dishwasher-safe parts, we wouldn’t recommend using a dishwasher for your drip coffee maker because cleaning it by hand isn’t difficult.



2. Clean the water reservoir

The water reservoir in your drip coffee maker is either fixed or removable. The good news? They’re both manageable to clean!


How to clean a fixed water reservoir

Cleaning a fixed water reservoir means being creative. Since you can’t remove it, fill it with the white vinegar and water solution. Then let it sit for an hour and run a complete brew cycle. Refill the water tank with fresh water and repeat the process to get rid of the vinegar solution.

This step offers a deep clean and ensures that all the parts you can’t see are thoroughly cleaned. This way, you’ll clean any mineral buildup, coffee residue and remaining vinegar solution.


How to clean a removable water reservoir

You can clean a removable reservoir like you would a coffee pot. Hand wash it with mild dish soap, rinse well and dry it thoroughly.

Be sure to wipe it dry before reinstalling it to your coffee machine. Next, fill the reservoir with warm water and run a brew cycle. Wait for the carafe to fill up, then toss the used water into the sink. This last step ensures your reservoir is clean of soap and is securely attached to the machine.



3. Remove the brew basket and soak it in white vinegar for 30 minutes

Woman hand removing mesh basket filter full of used ground coffee from drip-type coffee maker

You can do this while you clean the water tank. Your coffee maker’s brew basket can be hand washed with soapy water and rinsed with fresh water. 

Alternatively, you can remove more coffee residue and mineral deposits by soaking it in a white vinegar and water solution for 30 minutes. This part of your coffee maker may have screws and other metal bits that won’t do well if they’re left to dry on their own. So, be sure to rinse it out with clean water when you’re finished and wipe it dry.



4. Wash the coffee pot with warm water and wipe it dry

As tempting as it is just to chuck it in the dishwasher and let the machine do the cleaning, it won’t bode well for your coffee pot. This is the most delicate piece of your coffee maker, so clean it carefully.

Fill your sink with water and mix some mild dish soap. Place the coffee pot in the sink with soapy water, and gently scrub the carafe with a sponge to remove any coffee oils and bacteria. Because used coffee grounds are damp and warm, bacteria and mould will quickly grow if you let it sit for the rest of the day.

Your coffee maker will be lost without its dedicated carafe, so be careful when wiping it dry. I recommend using a microfibre cleaning cloth for drying glass kitchen supplies.



5. Reassemble the coffee maker and run a complete cycle

Empty drip coffee maker on kitchen wooden countertop against marble backdrop

When all the removable parts are clean and dry, it’s time to put your coffee maker back together. Place the brew basket back in its rightful place, followed by the filter basket. Next, replace the water reservoir and check that its contact points with the machine are dry. Wipe the body of your coffee maker with a clean microfibre cloth to remove any dust.

After you’ve returned the removable parts, check that your coffee maker is working. You will need to clean out any vinegar residue, so your next step is to fill the reservoir with plain water. Run a full cycle and a second cycle if necessary. 

Finally, you are done cleaning your coffee maker. You can rest assured that your next cup will fill you with the warmth and pleasant flavour of caffeine.



Let Your Worries Drip Down The Drain

Cleaning your drip coffee maker should be as easy as brewing coffee. It only takes a few simple steps and some time to clean it. So, keep your drip coffee machine clean to continue making freshly brewed coffee every morning for years to come.

If you’re pressed for time or need extra help, you can always let professional cleaners take care of cleaning the rest of your kitchen. Knowing when a task is too much is the first step to having a cleaner and tidier home that works best for you.

The post How To Clean A Drip Coffee Maker appeared first on Maid2Match.

How To Clean A French Press Tue, 03 May 2022 02:29:08 +0000 It’s Monday morning, the sun is shining and the birds are chirping. It’s time to get up and out of bed because you’ve got a million things to do.  But first, you need coffee. Today, you decide to brew with a French press. The clock is ticking, but you take your time measuring out the […]

The post How To Clean A French Press appeared first on Maid2Match.

It’s Monday morning, the sun is shining and the birds are chirping. It’s time to get up and out of bed because you’ve got a million things to do. 

But first, you need coffee.

Today, you decide to brew with a French press. The clock is ticking, but you take your time measuring out the grounds and pouring in hot water. Finally, it’s ready. You take a sip… and it’s not perfect. 

You wonder if you’re just that groggy, but there’s definitely a weird aftertaste in your mouth. After dumping the contents of your cup and French press into the sink, you notice that there’s some grime at the bottom of the pot. Yikes. That weird aftertaste is just one sign that it’s been too long since you last deep cleaned your French press.



What is a French Press coffee maker?

A French press uses a single cylindrical carafe, with an attached plunger and fine-mesh fitted strainer. French presses come in a variety of sizes and can be made from glass, stainless steel or ceramic.

The French press is a simple yet elegant way to make coffee. You can brew coffee by putting coffee grounds at the bottom of the carafe, pouring hot water and allowing it to steep for 3-4 minutes. Then you push the plunger down to filter the coffee through the fitted mesh screen.

Unlike drip coffee makers which make a rather thin brew, the French press makes a full-bodied and creamy cup of coffee. It also contains more caffeine than a single espresso shot, so you’re guaranteed to be wide awake after the first sip.



How Often Do You Clean a French Press?

Coffee brewing in a French press in warm morning light;

The French press is the ultimate in convenience. All you need to do is measure out your coffee grounds, fill up the single cylinder with boiling water and then plunge the grounds down below for just three minutes. So, while it only takes a few minutes to make the perfect cup of coffee, cleaning up will take you a bit longer.

Ideally, you should clean a French press coffee maker after each use. Regardless of the material of your French press, you will need to remove the coffee grounds and wash the carafe and filter after brewing. It’s also a good idea to give your French press a deeper cleaning every week. The following section gives you a thorough guide on how to do just that.



Guide to Cleaning a French Press Coffee Maker

There’s nothing quite like a cup of freshly brewed coffee in the morning, and a French press is one of the best ways to make it. However, over time, your French press can become stained and full of built-up coffee grounds or old coffee oils. Luckily, cleaning a French press is easy—as long as you know how to do it properly.

So, here’s our step-by-step guide to deep clean a French press coffee maker:



1. Gather your cleaning supplies

This seems like an obvious step, but you don’t want to risk breaking your French press by using the wrong materials. So, you will need the appropriate supplies:

  • Sponge or bottle brush
  • Liquid dish soap
  • Paper towels



2. Remove used coffee grounds

coffee inside French press

You’re probably used to dumping your used coffee grounds into the sink. But that is a sure way to clog your drain. Instead, pour out the coffee grounds into a paper towel and toss it into the bin. Alternatively, you can put the coffee grounds into another cup and use them as plant fertiliser or a body scrub.



3. Start disassembling your French Press

parts of a French press

For deeper cleaning, you can take apart your French press. Most French press coffee makers have the following removable parts:

  • Lid, plunger and mesh sieve (French press filter)
  • Glass carafe (pot), handle and base



4. Wash the lid and plunger with lukewarm water

Be sure to properly rinse these parts as they could have a few grounds stuck to them. You can also wash the handle and base in this step.



5. Rinse the filter screen with warm water to remove coffee grounds


Let your French press cool and use tap water to clean the mesh sieve. If you are in a rush and need a clean French press right away, you’re better off using warm water for this step. Be sure to rinse both sides of the French press filter to reduce coffee oil build up.



6. Fill the pot with lukewarm water and a few drops of mild dish soap

Swirl the water around to clean the sides of the pot. If there are leftover grounds stuck at the bottom, you can use a sponge or bottle brush to scrub those out. You can also let the soapy water sit in the carafe to clean your French press.



7. Rinse the pot with clean water and dry it with a clean cloth

It is ideal to use a microfibre cloth to wipe down glass French press coffee makers. This prevents scratches or gashes forming on the inside of the pot. Although, you can also opt to leave your French press to air dry completely on a drying rack.

By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your French press will continue to make the freshest brews.



Keep Your Kitchen as Fresh as Your Cup of Coffee

Mondays can be difficult, and there’s nothing worse than waking up to a dirty French press and a sink full of dishes. Your kitchen is a place to cook and relax, not stress over cleaning. Let our professional house cleaning services take care of the mess so you can enjoy what’s really important in life: delicious coffee and good food!

The post How To Clean A French Press appeared first on Maid2Match.

How To Clean A Coffee Machine Sun, 10 Apr 2022 01:31:20 +0000 When you love coffee as much as I do, nothing can ever come between you and your brew — except bitter-tasting coffee. Don’t throw out your bag of coffee beans just yet! The real culprit may not be the coffee you’re using, but your coffee machine. When your coffee is starting to taste more rancid […]

The post How To Clean A Coffee Machine appeared first on Maid2Match.

When you love coffee as much as I do, nothing can ever come between you and your brew — except bitter-tasting coffee.

Don’t throw out your bag of coffee beans just yet! The real culprit may not be the coffee you’re using, but your coffee machine.

When your coffee is starting to taste more rancid than roasted, it’s time to give your espresso coffee machine a deep cleaning. This step-by-step guide will show you how to descale a coffee machine and give it an intensive cleaning like never before. Let’s get started!



Parts of a coffee machine

espresso machine

It’s important to know the main parts of a coffee machine in order to give it a thorough clean. These are the main components of an espresso machine that need regular cleaning:

  • Group head. The group head is a metal compartment responsible for releasing hot water into the filter basket.
  • Group handle or portafilter. The group handle is the metal compartment where you put coffee in. Water is released from the group head to the group handle to make coffee.
  • Shower screen or portafilter basket. The shower screen or portafilter basket sieves coffee grounds and prevents them from mixing with the coffee beverage. This mesh-like contraption is found in the group handle or portafilter.
  • Steam wand. The steam wand heats and froths milk to make different kinds of espresso beverages. It works by releasing steam from the heating vessel into the milk.
  • Milk jug. The milk jug is the glass or metal container used for holding milk while frothing. 
  • Drip tray. The drip tray catches water that is flushed out of the espresso machine.



How often do you clean a coffee machine?

Coffee machine with cups for espresso on the kitchen table.

How often you clean your coffee machine depends on how frequently you use it. Give your coffee machine a thorough cleaning when any of this happens:

  • Your coffee machine makes odd noises when you switch it on
  • The coffee that comes out of your machine tastes different from your usual brew
  • It takes longer than usual to brew a cup
  • Your coffee machine is producing less cups of coffee than it used to


When you start noticing your coffee machine with any of these issues, it’s time to descale and scrub your appliance.



Daily cleaning

For daily maintenance, these are the things you need to remember.

  • Throw out coffee grounds after each use. Make sure to remove all coffee oils and debris sticking to the surface. Give the portafilter a good rinse under hot water, then wipe its surface to dry.
  • Purge the steam wand after every use.
  • Wipe away any drips and stains on the coffee machine with a slightly damp microfibre cloth.
  • Empty the drip tray when full.



Monthly cleaning

Maintenance, cleaning of coffee machine. Hot steam and water

A monthly deep cleaning removes limescale buildup and kills bacteria and mould in your coffee machine. You can stretch out your deep cleaning schedule to once every few months if you don’t use your coffee machine that often. A more detailed guide is shown below:



How to clean your coffee machine step by step:

You will need these materials to give your drip coffee machine an intensive cleaning:

  • Mild dishwashing liquid
  • Vinegar or commercial descaling solution
  • Hot water
  • Sponge
  • Lint-free cloth


Cleaning tip: When using vinegar as a coffee machine descaler, not just any kind will do. White vinegar is the best vinegar to use  when cleaning kitchen appliances. It is a non-toxic way to deodorise and remove limescale and stains.



Step 1. Back flush

Backflushing clears the 3-way solenoid valve to ensure that your espresso-making process goes smoothly. Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions on how to backflush your equipment. 



Step 2. Clean the group handle and shower screen

cleaning coffee machine in coffee shop

Clean the group handle by running it under hot water. For stubborn stains, allow the group handle to soak in a cleaning solution of warm water and dishwashing liquid.

Soak the shower screen in an espresso machine cleaner to loosen residue and dissolve coffee oils.



Step 3. Wash the steam wand 

male hand cleaning the steam wand of a coffee machine

Unscrew the tip of the steam wand and clean it with a pipe brush. Wipe the steam wand to remove milk stains and residue.



Step 4. Wash the milk jug

Wash the milk jug with a jug cleaner to sanitise. Rinse well then allow to air dry.



Step 5. Clean the drip tray

male hand wiping coffee machine with cloth

Detach the drip tray from the coffee machine and empty the contents. Clean the tray with a lint-free cloth dipped in warm water. After cleaning, reinsert the drip tray to the coffee machine.

You can now make a fresh cup of espresso from your coffee maker!



How to descale a coffee machine

Limescale on plastic water tank from coffee machine

We recommend descaling your coffee machine every 4 to 6 months, depending on how frequently you use it. Read the manufacturer’s instructions before you proceed with the descaling process.

To descale, pour white vinegar into the coffee machine’s water tank at half capacity. Pour an equal amount of clean water into the water tank then run your coffee machine on its usual brewing cycle. 

When you’re done with one brewing cycle, fill the water tank with clean water at full capacity. Run two brewing cycles using plain water to remove the vinegar smell, taking care to use clean water before every cycle. 

If you’re not comfortable with using vinegar as a descaler, you can use a commercial descaling solution as an alternative. A commercial descaler can work for both home and commercial varieties of coffee machines — just be sure to follow the instructions on the manufacturer’s manual before you use anything on your machine. 



Make your cleaning game as strong as your coffee

A routine deep cleaning will preserve your coffee machine’s condition and ensure that your coffee tastes great every time.

Take it a step further and give your whole kitchen a complete makeover by getting regular professional home cleaning services. With professional cleaners maintaining your kitchen (and home) on a habitual basis, you’ll get to enjoy having your appliances in tiptop shape for a long time.


The post How To Clean A Coffee Machine appeared first on Maid2Match.
